Tomosama Kings - Profile
Title: Fumpatsu! 1800
Performer: Tomosama Kings
Price: 1,800 yen
- [Jissha]
- Bokura no Tomo-Kin (Daisuke Minami)
- Muryoku (Kosuke Satoh)
- Kuroi Taiyo Ga (Kosuke Satoh)
- Gareki no Machi (Kosuke Satoh)
- [Chinso]
- Money Can't Buy Everything (Leonard Gomulka/ Kosuke Satoh)
- Danran (N.Niwa,H.Horihata,K.Nara)
- Furuboketa Gaito no Youni (Kosuke Satoh)
- Sora-wo-koete (Doidaman Inoguchi)
- [Fumpatsu]
- Bokura no Tomosama Kings (Daisuke Minami)
- Ai Ai Ai Ai Ai (Kosuke Satoh)
Label: SEVEN STAR Planning
CD No.: CD-1
Distribution: Jigsaw Music
Get from HMV.
Get from Tower Records.
Kosuke Satoh(vo, mandolin, cittern)
Daisuke Minami(vo, bass)
Nobuhiro Niwa(vo, banjo)
Takeshi Okuda(drums)
Kin'ichiro Doidaman Inoguchi(vo, guitar)
Members from college students folk music clubs in Kansai region of Japan met and started rehearsals in the winter of 1990.
Came to perform full scale from 1992. All current players lined-up in 1994.
Though all of the members originally enjoyed playing Bluegrass music, our passion to performance would not stay in the framework, gained a drummer, which is unusually to solid Bluegrass bands, and introduced electric instruments and effectors.
Today we have live performances covering songs of wide range and our original ones.
Our unique formation allows dynamic and popular performance style all across the various kinds of music including rock and roll, Afro, Latin, Celtic, folk, Kayokyoku Japanese music - rather less likely a Bluegrass band.
Based in Osaka, we also perform crossing Tokyo and Nagoya.
Wining the Most Popular Band Prize three years in row at Hakone Bluegrass Festival, now everyone in the Japanese Bluegrass world knows about us.
Performance History:
Performed many live music bars including ROOSTER, Rocky Top (Tokyo), Thumbs Up (Yokohama),
Banana Hall, GENE, Jurien Sorel, Another Dream (Osaka), Shaggy (Kobe), Taku Taku and RAG (Kyoto),
Urban Cowboy (Nagoya).
Also makes lots of appearances in Japanese major Bluegrass festivals of Takarazuka and Hakone.
1994: Ran and remain in the Final Round of the O's Label Audition by Crown Record
1994: Won a prize in the Adult Band Contest hosted by Sankei Shinbunsha (a newspaper publisher)
2002: Won the Most Popular Band Prize at Hakone Bluegrass Festival
2003: Released the first CD album "Fumpatsu! 1800"
2003: Won the Most Popular Band Prize at Hakone Bluegrass Festival, again!!
September 2003: Made an appearance in "FM Wai Wai", a radio program by Nagata-ku, Kobe City Community FM station
August 2003: Specially featured in the "Moonshinner", a monthly Bluegrass magazine by B.O.M. service, ltd.
January 2004: Made an appearance in "Indie-Jozu" a TV program by Nippon TV, Tokyo
2004: Won the Most Popular Band Prize at Hakone Bluegrass Festival - three years in row!!!
Representative: Kosuke Satoh
Public Relations: Kin'ichiro Inoguchi
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